ODINSUP Driver ODINSUP: Connectivity for Dissimilar Networks -------------------------------------------- Novellİs new product, ODINSUP, is an interface that allows coexistence of two network driver interfaces, the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) and the Open Data-link Interface (ODI) Specification. ODINSUP (Open Data-link Interface/Network Driver Interface Specification Support) allows you to connect to dissimilar networks from your workstation and use them as if they were one network. For example, after you load ODINSUP on your workstation, you can log in to a network running LAN Server, and also log in to a NetWare network. You can then copy files and run applications as if you were on one network. When ODINSUP is loaded, you can use a wider variety of programs without compatibility problems. You also do not have to reconfigure or reboot your workstation to switch from one type of network to another. PREREQUISITES ------------- To complete ODINSUP installation, you must have access to the NDIS protocols and documentation. You should also have a working knowledge of the NDIS protocol. How ODINSUP Works ----------------- ODINSUP functions as a default protocol stack. As a default protocol stack, it accepts packets from the ODI Link Support Layer (LSL) that are not specifically marked with a protocol identifier (PID) for a registered protocol stack (such as IPX or TCP/IP). When it receives a packet, ODINSUP translates the packet to a form understood by the NDIS Protocol Manager and passes it on to the NDIS protocol stack. ODINSUP allows the NDIS protocol stack to communicate with a network board. The NDIS protocol stack does not need to be aware of the details (such as frame type) of the packetİs transmission. The details of the packetİs transmission are handled by the Multiple Link Interface Driver (MLID) which is the ODI driver. Installing ODINSUP on an OS/2 v1.3 Client Workstation ----------------------------------------------------------------- Following are instructions for installing ODINSUP on the client workstation for OS/2 v1.3. You must modify the CONFIG.SYS, NET.CFG, and PROTOCOL.INI files. Requirements ------------ The LSL.SYS file must have a creation date later than May 19, 1991. The TOKEN.SYS file must have a creation date later than September 17, 1991. ODINSUP supports only ODI LAN drivers that are compatible with Ethernet and Token-Ring. After it is installed, ODINSUP.SYS uses about 3950 bytes of memory. Each additional network board that ODINSUP binds to increases memory usage by about 1050 bytes. Change the CONFIG.SYS File --------------------------- Edit the CONFIG.SYS file to: - Prevent NDIS drivers from loading; - Load the ODINSUP protocol. NOTE: We suggest you load other workstation networking products, such as LAN Requester, before you load the NetWare Requester. 1. Find the line or lines in the CONFIG.SYS that load the NDIS MAC driver or drivers, and place a REM command or an asterisk in front of each. 2. After the LSL.SYS line and the PROTMAN.OS2 line, add a line to load the ODINSUP.SYS protocol. For example, if the ODINSUP file is in C:\NETWARE, type the following line in your CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\ODINSUP.SYS 3. Save your changes and exit the CONFIG.SYS file. Sample OS/2 v1.3 CONFIG.SYS File -------------------------------- Following is a sample OS/2 v1.3 CONFIG.SYS file showing the order in which the NetWare Requester, Extended Edition, and LAN Services components load. rem Drivers for NetWare DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\LSL.SYS RUN=C:\NETWARE\DDAEMON.SYS DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\NE2.SYS DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\IPX.SYS DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\NWREQ.SYS RUN=C:\NETWARE\NWDAEMON.EXE IFS=C:\NETWARE\NWIFS.IFS rem Drivers for IBM LAN Services DEVICE=C:\CMLIB\LANDD.SYS DEVICE=C:\CMLIB\PROTMAN.OS2/I:C:\CMLIB rem ODINSUP replaces the NDIS driver ELNKMC.OS2 that works with the 3C523 network interface board. DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\ODINSUP.SYS rem DEVICE=C:\CMLIB\ELNKMC.OS2 DEVICE=C:\CMLIB\ETHERDD.SYS CFG=C:\CMLIB\LANRQCFG.CFG RUN=C:\CMLIB\ACSEPSYS.EXE RUN=C:\CMLIB\NETBIND.EXE rem Drivers for IBM LAN REQUESTER DEVICE=C:\CMLIB\NETBDD.SYS CFG=C:\CMLIB\LANRQCFG.CFG DEVICE=C:\IBMLAN\NETPROG\RDHELP.SYS IFS=C:\IBMLAN\NETPROG\NETWKSTA.SYS/I:C:\IBMLAN Change the NET.CFG File ----------------------- Edit the NET.CFG file to: - Enable the required Ethernet or Token-ring frame types - Increase the size of the packet that can be transmitted through ODINSUP (required for Token-ring boards that support frame sizes up to 4KB); - Bind the ODINSUP protocol to particular ODI drivers. 1. Edit the NET.CFG file and enable the frame types that ODINSUP requires. If you are using Token-Ring network boards, type the following lines in the NET.CFG, substituting the name of your ODI LAN driver for driver-name: Link Driver frame token-ring frame token-ring_snap (Indent the lines beginning with "frame". Both frame types are required.) If you are using Ethernet network boards, type the following lines in the NET.CFG, substituting the name of your ODI LAN driver for driver-name: Link Driver frame ethernet_802.3 frame ethernet_ii frame ethernet_802.2 frame ethernet_snap (Ethernet_802.3 is optional; but the other frame types are required. Indent the lines beginning with "frame".) 2. If necessary, increase the size of the packet that can be transmitted through ODINSUP. Do this by increasing the buffer size of the Link Support Layer. If you are using newer Token-Ring network boards that support frame sizes up to 4 KB, type the following lines in the NET.CFG: Link Support buffers 15 4210 (Indent the line beginning with "buffers.") If you are using Ethernet network boards or Token-Ring boards that support only frame sizes up to 2 KB, the default size of the Link Support buffers in OS/2 v1.3 is 1130. It is necessary to increase the size to 1514. To increase the buffer size, type: Link Support buffers 15 1514 3. Bind ODINSUP to one or more ODI drivers. Use the Protocol option with the name of the ODI driver that is used with your network board. For example, if you have one NE2000 network board in your workstation, you would type: Protocol ODINSUP bind NE2000 If you do not bind ODINSUP to an ODI driver, ODINSUP searches for any Ethernet or Token-Ring drivers that are loaded. ODINSUP binds to and uses the first driver of these types that it locates. When ODINSUP binds to a driver, the network board for that driver is the board used for transmissions to and from the network. If you have two or more network boards of the same type in your workstation, ODINSUP binds to only the driver for the first board unless you specify differently. You can specify exactly which driver to bind to, or you can bind ODINSUP to multiple drivers with the same name, by typing an "instance" number with the Protocol option. For example, if you have two NE2000 network boards in your workstation, you can bind ODINSUP to each boardİs driver by typing a 2 for the second board: Protocol ODINSUP bind NE2000 bind NE2000 2 ODINSUP can bind to a maximum of four ODI drivers. 4. Save your changes and exit the NET.CFG file. Change the PROTOCOL.INI File ---------------------------- Edit the PROTOCOL.INI file to: - Bind the NDIS protocol stack to the ODI drivers; - Remove NDIS-related information. 1. In the PROTOCOL.INI file, find each place where the file says BINDINGS= followed by an NDIS MAC driver name. 2. Replace each NDIS MAC driver name with the ODI driver name that goes with the type of network board. To bind an NDIS protocol to more than one ODI driver, type both driver names on the same line, separated by a comma. For example, in OS/2 v1.3, to bind the Etherand protocol to both an NE2000 driver and an NE1000 driver, you would type the following: [ETHERAND] . . Bindings=ne2000,ne1000 NOTE: In the PROTOCOL.INI file, driver names cannot start with a number. Put an X in front of 3Com drivers and other drivers that start with a number, such as X3C503. To bind an NDIS driver to an instance of an ODI driver other than the first instance, type the instance number at the end of the driver name (for example, NE20004). Do not put a space between the driver name and the instance number. If you do not know the name of the ODI driver you are using, reboot your machine and read the startup messages carefully. The driver name you should use is displayed. 3. At the bottom of the PROTOCOL.INI file, add a driver section heading followed by a blank line for each ODI driver you typed in step 2. The driver section does not need to contain any parameters. For example, if you typed NE2000 in step 2, you would type the following at the bottom of the file: [NE2000] Leave a blank line after each driver section heading. If the driver name starts with a number, you do not need an X in front of the number. 4. Make sure transmit buffers are 6 bytes larger than the buffer value set with the Link Support option in the NET.CFG file. 5. (Optional) Remove all NDIS driver-specific information from the PROTOCOL.INI file. ODINSUP does not require this information. 6. Save your changes and exit the PROTOCOL.INI file. 7. Reboot your machine for changes to CONFIG.SYS, NET.CFG, and PROTOCOL.INI to take effect. ***************************************************************** DISCLAIMER Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to any NetWare software, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability, title, or fitness for a particular purpose. Distribution of any NetWare software is forbidden without the express written consent of Novell, Inc. Further, Novell reserves the right to discontinue distribution of any NetWare software. Novell is not responsible for lost profits or revenue, loss of use of the software, loss of data, costs of re-creating lost data, the cost of any subsititure equipment or program, or claims by any party other than you. Novell strongly recommends a backup be made before any software is installed. Technical support for this software may be provided at the discretion of Novell. ****************************************************************